
Tooltips display brief text labels when users hover or focus on an element.



To render a tooltip, apply the data-tooltip attribute to an element. Then initialize it with the chi.tooltip factory method.

This HTML Blueprint requires JavaScript. You may use your own solution, or use Chi's vanilla JavaScript solution, Chi.js.
<button id="tooltip-1" class="chi-button" data-tooltip="Your tooltip text on a button">Tooltip</button>



Use light tooltips for rendering tooltips on dark backgrounds. To use, apply the data-tooltip-color="light" attribute to the Tooltip trigger element.

This HTML Blueprint requires JavaScript. You may use your own solution, or use Chi's vanilla JavaScript solution, Chi.js.
<button id="tooltip-2" class="chi-button -outline -light" data-tooltip="Your tooltip text on a button" data-tooltip-color="light">Tooltip</button>


Tooltip on disabled buttons

When a button element is in disabled state, mouseenter and mouseleave events are not being triggered. Wrap the disabled button in a span element, providing the attribute data-tooltip="" to achieve the same behavior

<span data-tooltip="Tooltip message for a disabled button" id="tooltip-disabled-button">
  <button class="chi-button" disabled>Disabled Tooltip</button>



By default, tooltip's position on top of an element. To alter position, use the data-position attribute. Valid values are top, right, bottom, left. You can pass an array of Elements and initialize all at once.

This HTML Blueprint requires JavaScript. You may use your own solution, or use Chi's vanilla JavaScript solution, Chi.js.
<button class="chi-button" data-tooltip="Your top tooltip text">Top Tooltip</button>
<button class="chi-button" data-tooltip="Your right tooltip text" data-position="right">Right Tooltip</button>
<button class="chi-button" data-tooltip="Your bottom tooltip text" data-position="bottom">Bottom Tooltip</button>
<button class="chi-button" data-tooltip="Your left tooltip text" data-position="left">Left Tooltip</button>


Long Tooltips

Long Tooltips will be truncated on the fourth line. To display text beyond four lines, use the Popover component.

This HTML Blueprint requires JavaScript. You may use your own solution, or use Chi's vanilla JavaScript solution, Chi.js.
<button class="chi-button" data-tooltip="Lorem ipsum...">Long Tooltip</button>



Tooltip show method has been executed.
Tooltip hide method has been executed.

Preventing memory leaks

Tooltip components have a dispose function to free all resources attached to the element, such as event listeners and object data. You must call this method when you want to remove the component.

var elem = document.getElementById('tooltip');
var tooltip = chi.tooltip(elem);
// do stuff

TipIt is safe to call the tooltip method more than once, as it will return any previously created tooltip component associated to the element.

var elem = document.getElementById('tooltip-1');
var tooltip = chi.tooltip(elem);
var elem2 = document.getElementById('tooltip-1');
var tooltip2 = chi.tooltip(elem2);
tooltip === tooltip2; // returns true

tooltip.dispose(); // Only have to do it once.


Accessibility guidelines coming soon